14.10 2pm it is. Hope everyone returns sound and safe.
Sign up for 5min presentations on first day. Also scroll down below to find the Mrs. Hayastan Shakarian celebration festivities currently happening in Tblisi.
Here is the schedule for Ana´s fantastic seminar, run every Wed from 22.10 in R115.
Seminar: Things that Talk* – Media, gender and fiction in contemporary art
Every Wed after 22.10 at 2pm, R115
The present seminar will examine the impact of the second industrial revolution on art and aesthetics, through the vantage point of science and horror fiction.
Amongst the topics addressed will be:
–The relation between art and media: does the technical take precedence over the social?
–The concept and genealogy of techno-utopia.
–Science fiction as an expression of the political unconscious.
–Automation, animation and animism.
–Fictional types and tropes, gendered concepts and political subjects.
The class will read assigned chapters from selected novels and watch films and other visual materials as well as discuss several theoretical texts and their core concepts. The goal is to achieve a lively discussion thus attendance and participation are encouraged, there will be no attendance taken however and there is no punishment for absentees.
Evaluation– students can choose one of the following:
–Writing a take-home essay of 3 to 4 pages. Essays need to reflect the topics approached in the seminar and proposals need to be previously discussed and approved. Off-topic essays will not be accepted.
–Oral presentation in front of class, 15 to 20 min. Same as above.
–Taking a final exam.
Preliminary Bibliography:
-Barbrook, Richard and Cameron, Andy The Californian Ideology, Mute, Issue n° 3, Autumn 1995
-Hayles, N. Catherine How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999),
-Haraway, Donna, “A Cyborg Manifesto – Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century,” in Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature New York; Routledge, (1991), pp.149-181.
-Galloway, Alexander R. Protocol: How Control Exists after Decentralization, The MIT Press (2006)
-Galison, Peter The Ontology of the Enemy: Norbert Wiener and the Cybernetic Vision, Critical Inquiry, Vol. 21, No. 1. (Autumn, 1994), 228-266.
-Shaviro, Stephen, Post Cinematic Affect, Zero Books (2010)
ლიტერატურის მუზეუმი Literature Museum / გიორგი ჭანტურიას 8, Giorgi Tchanturia St. 8, 0108 Tbilisi, Georgia
Once, Ms. Shakarian was asked:
What is the Internet?
She replied with a smirk: “It’s just a single swing of a shovel”
Now, you might want to ask: Who is Ms. Shakarian?
Listen, kid: This woman changed the world as is. This woman gave the internet a body. And with a single swing of the shovel she killed it. 5 million users in 2 countries were cut off and the date of March 28th, 2011 will be remembered in school history books henceforth.
The lesson learned from Ms. Shakarian’s single-handed strike of guerilla-gardening: You have to dig deep to deliver good media criticism.
The lecture-performances and video screenings may not be related to this story but everyone involved deeply respects Ms. Shakarian and her merit achievement for humanity.
Lecture Performances
Milos Trakilovic
M/OTHER : Retroceding Politics of Representation and Embodiment
15 min
Woori Cho
Travelers’ Guide To Realities
15 min
Till Wittwer
Forging Forgery
10 min
Tamara Magradze
6 min
Adrian Gutzelnig
Travelling, yourself and the world
8 min
Maximilian Schmoetzer
2022 (excerpt)
2 min
Bruno Siegrist
Bewährung (Probation)
10 min
Galina Levanova
15 min
Feliks Aleksander
Hommage To Tbilisi Velodrome
6 min
Candice Jee
Die Bewegtgrund (Garden of the Reclaimed Moon)
8 min
Tekla Aslanishvili
Claim your power
20 min
Kristof Trakal
Teobertos weakest moment
4 min
Joshua Crowle
Jack & Debbie
12 min
Milos Trakilovic
16 min