the color of money – actitivies 14th-17th july 2011

A casino will be squatting R98 from 14.7-17.7.
You know, casino, like horse-betting, bingo, blackjack, shady characters who’d trick you out of your last piece of underpants (but pay your cab-ride home), gasoline and all the shenanigans.
other than that:
two dark rooms with perfect screenings. expect human bird cages, military reenactors, making of´s, national dummys, intense interiors, extended memory, anti-aging video,  the labour of  love and reverse shitters among many other inspiring time based items in 98 and 248. There is a topical focus on the urgent question of how to squat US real estate and art galleries and a special appearance of “Schatz im Silbersee”, harald reinl, around 1972!!!
a see-all white cube in 115 and  musical mystery performance in 114.
Thank you to Amir, Kristof, Till, Alex, Vincent, Flavio and Yara for organizing!

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