This term

As part of the ongoing focus on digital practices, a certainly very interesting panel in connection with with a fantastic show by Christopher Kulendran Thomas “When platitudes become form” at Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler. I´ll keep posting related events.
ECOLOGY 1: Art & Democracy
5pm, Saturday 20th April
Timur Si-Qin and Daniel Keller consider whether the increasingly networked condition of art holds the potential for art’s radical democratisation.
A discussion convened by Christopher Kulendran Thomas.

From 5pm in the conference room of the Berliner Zeitung building, followed by drinks at 7pm:Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 29, 10178 Berlin
Stefan Hayn: Cinema and painting II:
Do 23.5. Jürgen Böttcher: 5 Filme, Diskussion mit ihm
Fr 24.5.: Queen Kelly von Stroheim
Sa 25.5.: Nestler + “Heidelberg” von Norman Richter, Diskussion mit  ihm
Mi 29.5. Angelika Levi
Fr 31.5. Straub/Huillet
seminar sessions planned for 24. and 25.5 more info to follow.
Poetonomy of SpeculationA block seminar offered for Class of Hito Steyerl, UDK, Berlin led by Anke Hennig, Marina Vishmidt and Anthony Iles
Two day Seminar – Dates 28 and/or 29 June
This seminar and workshop explores the concept of ‘speculation’ via contemporary theoretical perspectives and exposes these insights to literary and artistic experiments with a particular focus on writing. We will seek to explore how literature can illuminate contemporary philosophical thought and illuminate problems of form and determination in an extra-literary sense.
Over two days we will establish a framework for thinking through the stakes of financial, philosophical and artistic speculation drawing on the philosophical work of Quentin Meillasoux, Reza Negerastani, Elie Ayache and Alfred Sohn-Rethel. With reference to recent contemporary art, film clips and literary examples from the work of Jorge Luis Borges, Jan Potocki, Viktor Shklovsky, Anne Boyer, Andrei Platonov, Sergei Tretyakov and others we will work together to try to bring the terms: Objects/Things, Speculation, Fiction, Imaginary, Contingency, Realism, Formalism and Materialism into sharper focus.
Literature is neither solely style nor sign; rather, it is knowledge of the world. Thus, poetics can be speculative when its philosophical reflections consider the poietic function of language. Language and literature are part of the world and contribute in turn to our understanding of it. The relationships between objects do not differ from those between cognitive subjects and their respective objects. Literary thought means therefore situating natural language, literary artefacts, and poetic thought on a single plane. HYPERLINK “″
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