Money on Monday No. 7 – 11.2.

11.2. – 20.00h – Via Hardenberg 33 – R115 – University of Occupational Competence

A man like a unicorn. Rare. Noble. Swift. And with a mind that’s set on business.

Olaf Bach will be our guest.

Olaf the adventurer studied economics in St. Gallen and wrote his PhD thesis about The Invention of Globalization. He is an international strategic consultant working in Zurich. He teaches classes in Occupational Competence in St. Gallen and most recently tries to fuse economic and artistic thinking as a guest professor at KHB Weißensee.

S: “That River Olaf sho’ sound like a guy who done accomplish a whole lotta things…”

T: “What you talkin’ ’bout?! If that don’t sound like a whole bunch of gibberish, I don’t know what does!”

What does Tucker mean? And why is Shaneyney so impressed?

Do you really understand globalization? Do you know what a strategic consultant does in his job, what occupational competence could be, or how the hell it could work to fuse the mind on the discourse and the mind on the dough?

No clue? Just like S. & T.

But as our curiosity never halts we promise you one thing: We will find answers and they will be relevant for your future endeavors in the field of the manifold markets. Especially since we have a traveller before us who can diffuse equally between seemingly incompatible mindsets. Seemingly incompatible, I say.

So join Olaf and us for the possibly penultimate Money on Monday EVER.

 Perfume. Cuff Links. Business. Drafting the Real. Mind on the Dough.

Community. Fusion. Conceptualizing the Future. Creating the Real. Money on Monday.

Meaning. Self-Exploitation. Drafting the Future. Mind on the Discourse.

Kind Regards,

Money on Monday, Your Institute for Applied Futurology.

Sticker No 7

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