Money on Monday No. 5 – 28.1.

28.1. – 20.00h – Hardenbergstr. 33 – R115 – UdK (MyMoney/MyBusiness)
Stroke upon stroke, respite, respite, nay, never. History is made, es geht voran.
Keine Atempause after the Reinhold Messner field trip, Monday calls and Monday takes:
Your Rainbow Panorama – Olafur Eliasson
iPod – Apple Inc.
mykiosk – Dirk Fleischmann
In the trail of possessive and personal pronouns surrounding contemporary cultural life our guest Dirk Fleischmann uses the one which fully embodies individual agency.
His works – be it myfashionindustries, mystopshow or myfreerangechickeneggs – all deal with business and can be seen as one pearl after another lined up on a golden string.
And all he started with was a couple of chocolate bars back at Städelschule!
But let Dirk himself pitch it to you:
“Since 1997 I have been creating a business conglomerate. My art inhabits economic forms and sneaks into given capitalist structures. The art projects intend to create financial profit, which I have been continuously re-investing completely. This means the projects themselves create the budget for my next artistic investment. Thus every project is a transformation of the earlier ones.”
A contemporary mixture of Hans in Luck and the dishwasher/millionaire-shtick awaits us, a lucky Hans who made it to the iced-out top with a bag full of agency.
Come on, come in, we’ll learn how to force our luck and we’ll finally talk about money again.
Money. As in Money on Monday
Dirk Fleischmann’s website for dem preppers in da posse:
Sticker No 5

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