Rundgang/Jesse Darling seminar round 2

thanks dear class for all these excellent, engaging and ambitious presentations today – it was really quite something! we made some decisions for rundgang, pls see wiki for details, work groups and general plan.

diychurchemissionsdavisionThis is the announcement for the second instalment of Jesse Darlings seminar later this week

Part II of Jesse Darling <> ‘s seminar In [re]search of the real[ <> ness]: a short collaborative enquiry
aka: The Labour of Art in the Age of Digital [Re]Production:
May 31-June 2

This second instalment will consist of individual meetings (book your session here <>  – location can be anywhere you like) and a night-hours seminar open to all.
Late Night Radio Salon
June 1st, 11pm-1am
A workshop about speaking and sleeping aloud in the disappearance of public space
In an intimate setting theorist and filmmaker Anna Zett will give a bedtime story lecture on sleep as an entirely subjective and entirely material practice that all articulation is based upon.
Live discussion will follow, along with other contributions tbc
The salon is taking place in the ÖR Schnecke, a temporary radio station by Sara Lehn @Kongress der Artikulation, Kunstraum Kreuzberg

Participants: max 20
Please sign up via email before:

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