Money on Monday No. 6 – 4.2.

4.2. – 20.00h – Hardenbergstr. 33 – R115 – UdK (ZDFDPUnileverdK)
––– Pre-MoM-Show from 18.00h at Alte UdK-Bibliothek (R101) –––
Money on Monday Neoliberal Movie Night
After Dirk Fleischmann’s Meaning-Maximization-Maxime and before Olaf Bach’s Margin-Maximization-Maxime* we’ll have an in-between bridging event trying to tie the two positions together with a greasy careerist wearing striped ties and an unpopular political conviction, two ZDF-“philosophers”, a documentary movie, and some image films.
Sounds like a mess? Will be a mess!
Join us for a night of neoliberal savoir-vivre.
The aperitif will be served by populists and politicians:
From 6pm ZDF-“philosopher” Byung Chul-Han debates with best buddy and co-ZDF-“philosopher” Richard David Precht, as well as with Freidemokrat Christian Lindner about the future of capitalism.
Yawn? Only if you listen to what they’ll say. Wear your best Cologne.
Afterwards, at 8pm and in our familiar setting of R115, we’ll serve main course and dessert:
We’ll screen Unilever image films and possibly Carmen Losmann’s “Work Hard, Play Hard”. And we’ll have dolomite lobster. Yummy.
A good opportunity to sport ladies’ suits and pearls or windsor knots and cuff links.
See you on the neoliberal side.
Money. Monday.
* (Olaf who? – Find out more next week – what a Cliffhanger!)
Sticker No 6

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