monday screening is back with a new version and a new cycliatric exploitation of unsound morals and questionable visual themes. everybody is invited to consume or produce with monday screeming.
18 O’*# CLOCK
ROOM 115
HARDENBERG STR 33, udk headquarters

first lesson this monday 21 NOVEM 18 HUNDERT R 115


we re shooting out the pop hits of atomic age first / anything you need to know about throwing your body under a table, helping daddy to put sheets infront of the cellar window, the triangle of life and how to cook your contaminated potatoes.
presented for you by trustworthy american scientists and u.s. army instructors.
be afraid no more – after this videos insultings of your unpreparedness will no longer be appropriate.
we also watch THE ATOMIC CAFE(1982) Dir. Jayne Loader, Kevin Rafferty, Pierce Rafferty- a found-footage masterpiece, completely without narration and highly narrative still— lured through history by calssroom films, us army training clips and civil defense  goodies – deep into the dirt of a not-quite-so-funny lifestyle of a bomb loving nation: made in the 80s unbelievable.
come this monday
bring your parents and friends.
its gonna be

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