Class meetings Tuesdays 14h-18h. Check wiki for exact dates, location R115.
Tutorials Mo 14-17h R98.
Office hours Mo 13-14h R98
Seminar Mo 10-13h. Exact dates on wiki, location R115.
“…past surpassing catastrophe”
Seminar on contemporary media theory and visual cultural studies Mo, 10-13h R115.
This seminar is an introduction to cutting edge media theory as well as a practical exercise run in the context of the project “Living Archive” by Arsenal and Freunde der Deutschen Kinemathek. [1] We will produce works in the scope of their project, which aims to provide access to the archives of Freunde der Deutschen Kinemathek (huge collection of independent films) in order to actively use it.
This practical part of the project will be supplemented by readings around recent media theory relating to dispersion, dissemination, the global circulation of digital artefacts and it´s political economies, the status of digital image/objects, the 3D military entertainment complex, the danger of archival historicism, and the withdrawal of tradition past surpassing catastrophe.
You will be required to give a presentation on one of the texts. This is mandatory, i.e. non-negotiable and a requirement for taking part in the project.
Authors of texts to be read will include: Brian Massumi, Suely Rolnik, Cory Arcangel, Seth Price, Jalal Toufic, Thomas Elsaesser, Arielle Azoulay, Georges Didi-Huberman and many more.
A detailed syllabus will be posted soon and texts uploaded in the beginning of October.