b/w films: change of seminar time

hello everybody,
several people pointed out that the time of the b/w films seminar are very unfortunate since they overlap with two other seminars… so we were thinking of starting later on wednesday, around five pm, but i’ve been told that one of the seminar goes until six, so we will begin at 18h starting from next week.
(but please let me know if you’d like to come but this is a bad time for you, so that i know if this causes more problems that it solves).
as said, next week we’ll watch “Suna no onna” (Woman in the Dunes) an incredibly beautiful film by Hiroshi Teshigahara from the sixties.
Wednesday Nov 28th, 18.00h, Room 115
hope you’re well
a killer still. made my day. it also reminds me that Wakamatsu, one of the most important of his generation died a few days ago. I am sure there is a animated gif out there that keeps pouring bourbon shots on his grave stone in an eternal loop of reverence. h.

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