First class meeting will take place on April 10th, 14h, R115.
The other dates for class meetings are now announced on the wiki. You can also sign up for tutorials for next term.
The introduction to the seminar “Junkspace” will take place on April 16th, 10h R115.
A space is a noun, which cannot be described using other nouns. It is not a thing but exists as a set of assets. Spaces are layered, twisted, inflated, stretched, divided. They are extended or intended, moving and inert, folding and seeping. Inverted, perverted, invented, inventorialised. Accumulated and dispersed. Shut off or invaded. Sold short, speculated upon, deserted and pixelated.
In this seminar we will visit a few spaces that, while invariably expressing different modes of post-communist appropriation and rearticulation also create different vectors into the future: the creation of artificial paradises, art market real estate speculation, neocolonial container piles and other 3D spam. But next to granite coated junkspaces and phony service infrastructure, spaces of cheerful embarrassment subsist: such as the entrance to former Führerbunker, which ended up as a derelict biosphere in the back of a car park. It is currently inhabited by a bunch of merry rabbits.
This seminar is strictly for fun. No credit points. You will leave the room with an empty head or else the art history department will shoot you for illicit possession of illegitimate ideas.
Dates: Introduction 16th, 10h R115. April 28th, May 7th, 21st and June 11th. times tba.
Reading list: will be uploaded shortly. And thank you to Gian for seminar title and reading suggestion.
Dates for the seminar are: April 28th, May 7th, May 21st, May 28th. All of these will be excursions to different sites. Details and a reading list will follow on the wiki.
Also pls take note of Christophs fantastic seminar on documentary which includes a full screening of Shoah by Claude Lanzmann:
Veranstaltung: Dokumentarfilme // documentary films Veranstaltungsart: theoret. Lehrveranstaltung Sprache: deutsch/englisch Semester: Sommer 2012 Tag: Mittwoch Zeit: 14-18h Rhythmus: wöchentlich Dauer: 18. April - 7. July 2012 Raum: Ha33 - 115 oder 143 Kommentar: Von einem Dokumentarfilm erwarten wir eigentlich dass er uns eine Sache oder ein Ereignis objektiv darstellt. Das dies im Grunde unmöglich ist wird aber schon dadurch klar, dass selbst wenn zwei Person das gleiche Ereignis direkt beobachten dieses oft unterschiedlich wahrgenommen wird. In diesem Seminar geht daher nicht um Objektivität sondern um den persönlichen Zugang zum Dokumentarfilm: um die Persönlichkeit des Filmemachers und die Persönlichkeit des Zuschauers, und die Kontaktfläche dazwischen. /// english text We generally expect that a documentary film shows the events of things in an objective, undistorted way. On the other hand, the simple fact that two persons often judge the same event totally different, even if they experience it first hand, casts serious doubt if such a thing as objective film making is actually possible. Therefore this seminar is not about objectivity, but about the personal approach to documentary films: the personality of the filmmaker and the personality of the spectactor, and the contact in between. vorläufige Filmliste: + War Photographer (CH 2001, 96min, Christian Frei) + Signers Koffer - Unterwegs mit Roman Signer (CH 1995, 84min, Peter Liechti) + Step Across the Border (D/CH 1990, 90min, Nicolas Humbert, Werner Penzel) + Dont Look Back (USA 1967, 96min, D.A. Pennebaker) + Nahja no mura (Nadya's Village) (J 1998, 118min, Seiichi Motohashi) + 10e chambre - Instants d'audience (The 10th Judicial Court: Judicial Hearings) (F 2004, 105min, Raymond Depardon) + Man of Aran (USA 1934, 76 min, Robert J. Flaherty) + Herr Zwilling und Frau Zuckermann (D 1999, 126min, Volker Koepp) + Restrepo (USA 2010, 93min, Tim Hetherington, Sebastian Junger) + Shoah (F 1985, 544 min, Claude Lanzmann) Voraussetzungen: englisch Kentnisse Keine Voranmeldung notwendig. Für Fragen und infos über Seminar Mailingliste mail an udk-berlin [at]