These are the first dates for the summer term 2011. Meetings will take place weekly on tuesday 2.00 p.m.
April 12
2.00 p.m.
Plans for summer term,
including brief introduction of staff,
introduction of the communication structure (a Wiki will be in place),
comment on the theoretical part and seminars.
April 18th tutorials 10-18h
mail to hito.steyerl[at] for appointments.
April 19
2.00 p.m.
presentations of class members
April 25th
this week class meeting will take place on Monday to go see Yto Barradas show. Its for free on Mondays. place tba. Also see this. And this.
2.00 p.m.
April 27th
tutorials 10-18h. Sign up with me via email.
more dates for class meetings to be announced soon. In general meetings will take place weekly on Tu 14-18h, tutorials Mo 10-18h throughout this term.
”’The pocket”’
Workshop with Hito Steyerl
7.,14., 18.+ 19.6
14-18h, room 115
In the late 20es Soviet writer Sergei Tretiakov developed an exercise for children. He asked them to describe the objects in their pockets along with their social and material biographies. In this updated adult only version I would like to ask participants to empty their pockets, including cell phones and other contemporary objects and make a work (draft, performance or event) from the retrieved objects, scraps, pieces, images, sounds, data.
The workshop will be structured by some lectures and reading sessions on related theoretical material. Ideas around things, objects and the forces they condense and channel will be explored, dismissed, scrapped, ripped and pushed over the edge.
“It was for pioneers that Tretyakov designed one of his most intriguing experiments, documented in a text called “The Pocket.” The experiment was started in 1929 when he asked his young readers to empty their pockets (and rather eeriely, thinking of Pavlik Morozov), those of their neighbor) to describe the history of each of the objects inside, to invent or construct such biographies. (..) Today, every one gets to play Tretyakov’s game in those split seconds at the airport security check.” David Riff
Required reading:
Sergei Tretyakov: The biography of things (available as .pdf)
Suggested readings:
.pdf files:
Walter Benjamin: On Language as such and the Language of Man
Walter Benjamin: Doctrine of the similar
Jill Bennett: Vibrant Matter, preface.
Bruno Latour: From Realpolitik to Dingpolitik

Sven Lütticken: Art and Thingness ( 3 parts)
Joshua Simon Neo-Materialism, Part One: The Commodity and the Exhibition
all readings will be uploaded. There is much more, too, for the avid and eager.
Cristovao´s seminar
Grundlagen der Filmsprache
Warum ist ein Kamerawinkel, eine Brennweite, ein Klang oder ein Schnitt in einer gewissen Situation besser als ein Anderer? Was macht eine Sequenz, eine Szene oder eine Einstellung aus? Wie werden Spannungsbögen im Film erzeugt?
Einstellungsgröße, Aufbau des filmischen Raumes, Anordnung der Elemente innerhalb des Bildausschnittes und Erzählperspektive sollen Themen innerhalb dieses Seminars sein. Theoretisch und praktisch wird die Filmdramaturgie als ein Werkzeug, um Ideen auszudrücken und Emotionen zu erzeugen, untersucht.
Die Teilnehmer werden anhand von Filmbeispielen und kleinen praktischen Aufgaben, die im Seminar durchgeführt werden, in die Grundlagen der Filmdramaturgie und der Filmsprache eingeführt.
19. – 20. April 26. – 27. April 3. – 4. Mai (Dienstag und Mittwoch, von 12 bis 18 Uhr)